How to Ensure Driver Competency and Legal Compliance

Employers bear the responsibility of carrying out thorough checks to ensure that any individual they employ as a driver is legally compliant and competent to

15 minute vehicle check for drivers

Drivers, fleet managers, and fleet operators have a duty to ensure all vehicles under their management are safe for driving and meet roadworthiness standards. It’s

Daily vehicle checks laws explained

Daily vehicle checks are a fundamental part of fleet management and individual vehicle ownership in the UK, and the process is governed by stringent laws

How does a medical condition affect my driving licence

Holding a driving licence is not only a symbol of independence, it’s essential for millions of the UK workforce to carry out their day-to-day roles.

Creating your ‘driving for work’ policy

Why you need a policy Health and safety legislation requires that you risk assess all your business activities and put safe working practices in place

Why safer vans make financial sense

Running vehicles can be a significant expense. Often these costs are not monitored and simply seen as the cost of doing business however, when not

Your responsibility for driver and vehicle safety

Introduction Whether you have a trade, a supervisory or management role, or deliver materials, driving for work is one of the most important parts of

Is your eyesight good enough to be on the road

When it comes to safe driving, good eyesight is not just a requirement but a necessity. Each time we get behind the wheel, we rely

How Fleet Management Software Can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

In today’s environmentally conscious era, businesses across the UK are continuously seeking ways to minimise their ecological impact. For those managing vehicular fleets, this emphasis

Should You Have An Electric Fleet – The Pros and Cons Explained

As the world – and organisations – grapple with the rising challenge of climate change and the pressing need to reduce carbon footprints, the transportation

What Is Grey Fleet?

In the dynamic landscape of fleet management, various terms and concepts have come to the forefront, reflecting the nuances of this industry. One such term

Do I Need the Paper Part of My Licence?

There is often some confusion around whether or not you need the paper counterpart of your driving licence, and what you need to do –
