Is your equipment 100% legal?
It’s surprisingly easy to miss something…
Defect Management
FleetCheck Mobile can not only be used to manage your vehicle checks, it can also be extended to encompass your machinery and equipment items. Reporting on defects has never been easier, giving you total control and visibility of checks completed.
Any outstanding defects can be viewed and a work order can be sent via FleetCheck to a chosen service provider or internal workshop to advise of the repair needed. Once the defect has been repaired, evidence can be uploaded and the defect marked as complete.
This joined up solution allows operators to have total peace of mind and complete visibility, whilst removing labour intensive manual records and monitoring repair costs all on one platform.
Equipment allocation
Keeping track of machinery, equipment and plant allocation is often a headache. By utilising the Allocation section within FleetCheck, you can easily trace where everything is, allowing you to report on items and allocate them to jobs.
LOLER, PAT, PUWER and calibration information
FleetCheck’s machinery section has been developed to help you control and manage all key events, including LOLER, PAT, PUWER and calibration dates.
Companies can record all examinations and defects. These can be easily tracked and reported to the person responsible for the equipment ensuring that nothing is overlooked.