Get started with FleetCheck Driver Lite

Ready to get started? Book a call with an expert who will get you up and running in no time.

You will soon be able to give your drivers access to the knowledge in the following key areas:

Drivers Licences Driving safely
Fitness to drive Driving safety
Restrictions Smarter driving
Seasonal Driving

Get started with FleetCheck Driver Lite

Ready to get started? Book a call with an expert who will get you up and running in no time.

You will soon be able to give your drivers access to the knowledge in the following key areas:

Drivers Licences
Driving safely
Fitness to drive
Driving safety
Smarter driving
Seasonal Driving

All our data in one place

We can now manage vehicle allocations efficiently, manage fines, run reports, pool vehicle management, fuel, RFL, MOT and SMR data.

Matthew Neale, Group Fleet Manager
Platform Housing Group 

My anxiety levels have reduced

My anxiety levels have reduced, and confidence in data accuracy increased!

Matthew Neale, Group Fleet Manager
Platform Housing Group 
