Less Paper. More Time

Say goodbye to chasing paper check sheets.

FleetCheck Driver walkaround check app is a robust way to plan, carry out, communicate and record all forms of essential vehicle and driver safety, including submit fit to drive declarations, input fuel purchases, report incidents and more.

Less Paper. More Time

Say goodbye to chasing paper check sheets.

FleetCheck Driver walkaround check app is a robust way to plan, carry out, communicate and record all forms of essential vehicle and driver safety, including submit fit to drive declarations, input fuel purchases, report incidents and more.

 Customisable daily checks 

 Instant evidence of damage and defects  

 Mileage collection for SMR schedules 

 Schedule inspection reminders 

 Instant visibility of missed inspections  

 Report on time taken for each safety check 

 Robust audit trail of inspections 

 Fit to Drive declarations 

 Multi language user interface 

 Driver support information 

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