As a fleet manager, you are used to spinning plates to keep your fleet on the road. As well as the never-ending list of tasks required for the efficient running of your vehicles, you need to manage your drivers. Not only must you recruit and train them, you must also ensure their records are kept up to date. And that includes making regular checks on their licences.

It is, of course, a legal responsibility of an employer to check all their drivers hold valid licences for the vehicles they are using, including any restrictions, endorsements or disqualifications. As well as an initial check when a driver joins you, it’s good practice to make checks at least annually because, let’s be honest, can you be sure all your drivers would let you know if they had picked up points on their licence?

If you use a manual process for licence checking, have you ever worked out how many working hours this takes? Firstly, you have to instruct your drivers to obtain and give you their individual access codes from the DVLA website. Then you probably have to remind them to do this…. and maybe remind them again. Once you have the codes, you need to enter them one by one into the DVLA website, along with the last 8 digits of each driver’s licence number. Even the best of us need to take care not to make any mistakes with all those numbers swimming before the eyes! Once you have completed the checks, all the information has to then be transferred over to whatever system you are using for your driver records.

This is not a good use of your time or expertise. The time spent on manual licence checking is time lost to your core task of optimising fleet efficiency. As with so many repetitive administrative tasks, the answer lies in automation.

FleetCheck LicenceAssured offers a cost effective and simple to use web-based licence checking system. A simple GDPR compliant mandate from your drivers remains valid for three years so there’s no more chasing after access codes!

You set the checking schedule and then the system automatically accesses the DVLA database for you and checks every aspect of your drivers’ licences. You can customise the frequency of checks for different drivers and also make one-off checks. Automatic alerts are sent of licence expiry or any changes in licence status.

There’s no more need for the laborious manual transferring of licence data onto driver records. The licence information is stored online and is fully integrated with the rest of the FleetCheck system, meaning all your driver and vehicle data is conveniently held in one place.

Your time is too valuable to be taken up with tasks that can be easily and cost-effectively automated. Click here to find out more about how FleetCheck LicenceAssured can give you one less plate to spin.

See how much time you can save: Driver Licence Checking – FleetCheck Licence Assured


  • EXPERTISE : Respected industry expert, frequent industry awards panelist and speaker at numerous fleet-related events. VIEW PROFILE